This Peaceful Schools SEL series contains 13 unique social emotional learning posters that are perfect for your classroom, counseling office, school bulletin boards, or even home! Each colorful poster highlights visual supports to remind students of ways to practice STAR Power, self-regulation, conflict resolution, healthy choices, self-worth and more. Created by teaching artists, these posters have been utilized in classrooms across New York State to teach Social Emotional skills throughout the school year.
The Poster Topics Included Are: S.T.A.R. Power, Peace, Community, Diversity, Self-Control, Conflict, Choices, Communication, Upstander, Perseverance, Healthy Relationships, Identity, Self-Worth
Each 11x17 poster in the series is printed on sleek semi-gloss cardstock.
Purchasing Poster Series saves you 20%
S.T.A.R. Power is a register trademark of Peaceful Schools